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Quizy, the host

The master of ceremonies who sets the tone: fun, fun fun!

A Quiz Game without a host would be unthinkable!

When we talk about “Blockbusters”, you think of…Bob Holness. ‘‘The weakest link’’? Anne Robinson. “Going for gold”? Henry Kelly. “Who wants to be a millionaire”? Chris Tarrant.

There isn’t a single TV gameshow in the world without a star host. So a Quiz Game without a host would be like a chocolate cake without chocolate. It simply wouldn’t be the same.

A host who never fails to entertain.

Quizy will host your session from start to finish. From the moment you settle down in the quiz room to the announcement of the winner, he’ll be by your side.

Quizy will introduce the game, the rules of each round and will give you regular updates on the ranking.

Most important, he’ll create a party atmosphere. Because creating a fun atmosphere is what Quizy does best.

A lively personality.

If we were to describe Quizy, we would say he’s fun and nice to be with.

But, watch out! The combination of artificial intelligence and a lively personality make him quite outspoken.

I hope you get plenty of correct answers because if you don’t, you might get an earful.
